Saturday, August 29, 2009

Los Doyers

Went to my first Dodgers game and didn't get shanked! I heard bad things about the crowd, but I think they all got scared of me sportin this beanie. Parents drove me, but brought along the gramps. I got them Gramps wrapped around my finger. They just hold me and sing random things to me. I might be learning Chinese soon because of them. That and with Ni Hao Kai-Lan. Los Doyers kicked St. Louis's booty all over the place. I like it there. So much to hear and smell. Momma get garlic fries and made me wish I had teeth. We left after I stretched in the 7th cuz they say the drive back gets bad. I don't know why, just go to sleep like me and you are there.

1 comment:

  1. awe!sorry we missed the game.. but i have gambling it UP in vegas. :)
