Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Dim Sum!

Got sick of the bottle, so went out for a lil dim sum with the parents and grandma. Whoa this place is loud. Chopsticks clanking on plates, people talking loudly in Chinese with their mouths full, etc. Anyway, so many new smells too. Tried some BBQ pork, some rice noodles, and other things I have no idea of what it was. I tried it but don't have the solid food thing down yet. I just pretty much lick it and throw up a disgusted face. Not my style yet. I did chug my fair share of tea tho. I let it cool, then tried it. Not too bad. Grandma kept putting the cup in my grill, so I kept on downing it. Mostly downed it on my shirt tho. I don't mind because parents do my laundry every week. I'm ready to go again, sure beats this Rice Cereal they are trying to shove down my throat lately.

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