Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Spring Break!

Woohoo! My 1st Spring Break! I heard so much about this, but have no clue what it is. I found out. I guess things get better in 20 years and 2 more months, when I finally hit 21, but mine was OK nonetheless. First off was Easter. I'm not too quick on my feet, so I skipped the finding eggs thing. I don't quite get it. I thought eggs were good for you, why would you paint them in pastels and then try to hide them in tall grass and trees? Shouldn't you just scramble them and put them on a plate? I can't climb trees, shoot, I can't even walk yet. More than that, I don't even eat eggs yet. And if I did, I don't eat bunny eggs. Wait, do bunnies even lay eggs? Hmmmm, weird. Anyway, what I did do was cruise over to my dad's parents place and chilled with them. They made Korean beef, some type of chicken, rice, chips & guac, and some pie for dessert. I only got 2 teeth, so couldn't quite get the beef down, but settled for chicken and rice. Not bad. Kinda gross that parent has to chew it a bit then give it to me, but whatever, sure beats baby food, especially that organic baby food.
Next day we cruised to San Diego. Parents took me to the Zoo. It was amazing. I though the world was full of people and dogs. Now there are all sorts of animals. My favorites were the polar bears I think. At least that's the place I got so excited that I peed through my diapers and soaked my pants. It woulda got more soaked if Mom wasn't carrying me. Her shirt soaked up a lot of it too :) I got her good, but kinda backfired, because I went for the next few hours pantless. So embarrasing.
We got home and next thing I know, Mom is getting her revenge on me. She drops me off with her parents and my mom and dad head to Vegas. What about me? I wanna see Vegas! I heard there are a bunch of Gymboree, Carter's, Baby Gap, and Children's Place outlets all over there. These parents of mine always pick my gear and I never get a say. I'll get them back one day and buy my own clothes to spite them. Maybe a USC sweater, that will get my dad mad. On second thought, I'd be way to embarrased to wear anything that ugly just to prove a point ;)
Parents finally came back home, and the next day we went to the Warrior Dash. My dad did one of his stupid race/obstacle events with his friend. I just sat there in the sun with some Viking hat on with horns. At least there were bananas there. I love bananas now. First I would have to have pieces cut off for me to work on, but now I can take little bites by myself. Sweet! No more baby food jars for me. I want the real thing. I can't believe I have been sheltered sooo long!
Well, now Spring Break is over and I'm back at daycare. 2 more months, then I am both out for Summer Break and gonna be a whole year old.
Come out and party with me!

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