Friday, December 25, 2009

Winter Break!

Woohoo! My 1st Christmas! So much happening these days. The break started pretty cool. On my last day of day care, me and my girlfriend swapped books. Yea, you heard that right, girlfriend. This girl in my daycare, let’s call her ‘A’. Me and her hold hands while we eat rice cereal at the bean table. I regifted her this rabbit book that I couldn’t get into, and she gave me this very nice pillowy texture book. Sweet! Anyhow, that’s the last day of day care, and the beginning of 2 weeks of winter break. I kinda miss daycare though. Those people feed and change me better than these parentals of mine. Day care gives me rice cereal for breakfast and whatever mom and dad pack for lunch, along with a few bottles. At home, I mostly get the bottle because they are too lazy to put a spoon in my mouth over and over while they are watching TV. True, I like to eat a few bites then my ADD flares up and I’m looking at what is behind me in the chair or stuffing my bib in my mouth, but these parents of mine work in schools and should know by now how to work a kid, right?
The next saga was taking a picture of me with Santa. Yes, it was a saga. I think next time we need to hit up a mall in Texas where the chunkies are, because these Santa’s aren’t fooling no toddler. We hit up the West Co Mall and found the long line for Santa. We waited a bit, then took a look at the big guy to see what was in store. This was no big guy. This ‘Santa’ wasn’t a big guy at all. Looked like an anorexic guy with a beard. I could even see the edges of the pillow in his robe. He had cheeks sunken in. Parents aren’t spending 20 bucks for a couple pictures with me and the Gastric Bypass Santa.
A couple days later we sought out the Santa Anita Mall for their Santa. Arcadia, so a bit wealthier area, so a good Santa should be there, right? Nope. Another old guy who called 1-800-GET-SLIM, only he had a dirty beard. I don’t want a picture with the homeless Santa, argh.
Finally, we went to the Puente Hills Mall. Figured more plumper people over there, so maybe a fat Santa, yea? Nope. Another LapBand member, although beard wasn’t as dirty. Feeling like it was a lost cause, I sat on dude’s lap for a picture. I was so disappointed that I couldn’t even smile, hard to believe right? I just sat there with a WTH look on my face. I wasn’t feelin it, so didn’t buy the pictures, whatever. Try again next year.
Christmas Eve was the day we celebrated. Family was coming over to party with me at night, so I got to open my presents when I woke up in the morning. Got lots of cool stuff from parents, friends, family, and the real Santa. Got new kicks, some cool gear, blocks, fake animals, learning toys and games, and a stocking full of other stuff. I made out good. The best stuff in my opinion was the wrapping paper. I tried to unwrap the gifts myself and once I tore a chunk of paper off, I was good. I love wrapping paper. I crumble it, then stuff it straight in my mouth. It’s like a game since parents only let me put food in my mouth. I keep grabbing paper and stuff it in my mouth over and over seeing if I can keep them on their toes.
The Christmas Party was fun. My mom’s side of the family is huge. House was loud and energetic. They gambled with dice, played White Elephant, did some Candy Cane holding game, pigged out, played Wii, then passed me around. I think I was passed 50-60 times last night. I feel like a piece of meat sometimes. People say I’m cute over and over, but seems like no one appreciates me for my mind. I may be 6 months, but mentally I’m about 9 months. Don’t know why that gets overlooked.
Now it’s Christmas Day and I’m playing with my new toys and puking on my new clothes. Life is good. Can’t wait for New Years to see what 2010 has in story for me. I’ll see you all next year!

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